MLA - Tools for implementation
- Model form for the exchange of judicial records
- Model request form for mutual assistance in criminal matters
PC-OC Mod (2014)10 rev.6
Web version
- Guidelines to the Model request form
PC-OC (2015)09 rev3
- Guidelines on practical measures to improve co-operation in respect of transfer of proceedings, including a model request form
- Compliation of the replies to the questionnaire on the application of articles 13 and 22
- Replies to Questionnaire on legal and technical aspects of the use of video conferences in mutual legal assistance in criminal matters
PC-OC (2012) 1 Rev2 Bil.
- Consolidated document reflecting the applicable provisions of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and its two Additional Protocols
Prepared by Mr Miroslav Kubíček (Czech Republic)
PC-OC (2011) 15 Rev
- List of bilateral and multilateral regional treaties binding Council of Europe member States
PC-OC Inf 8 Bil rev.7
- Art 22: request for DNA - comments
PC-OC (2004)16
Assisting in and developing international co-operation in criminal matters
Updated ECHR case law concerning international co-operation
HELP online course on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters